
The Advance Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Training Program forms part of I-ACT’s multi-level support to the human rights community. Through its Transform, Advance & Initiate, and Commune initiatives, I-ACT aims to strengthen and empower human rights coalitions, organizations, and communication workers.


I-ACT supports human rights coalitions and networks by improving organizational processes and systems to support digital empowerment and effective communications.

Advance and Initiate

I-ACT supports human rights organizations through capacity building and small grants to mainstream SBC as a viable approach to human rights advocacy.


I-ACT empowers human rights communication workers by advancing their wellbeing, building networks, and continuous engagement through training, resource sharing, and creating platforms for mutual support.


The objective of the Advance SBC Training Program is to upskill human rights organizations in embarking and sustaining effective campaigns informed by behavioral sciences and design thinking. Advance aims to mainstream SBC as a viable approach to human rights advocacy by enabling organizations to design and roll out their own SBC interventions to promote positive human rights behaviors among target audience segments.


I-ACT has partnered with four human rights coalitions: the Alternative Law Groups (ALG), Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA), Child Rights Network (CRN), and the CHR-CSO Consultative Caucus on Human Rights (C4HR). Together, these coalitions comprise a diverse and multi-sectoral membership of 115 organizations across the Philippines working on contemporary  and enduring human rights issues.

The Advance SBC Training Program seeks to train key personnel from the executive management and advocacy teams of these 115 human rights organizations.

Key personnel from 115 human rights organizations from ALG, PAHRA, CRN, and C4HR


The Advance SBC Training Program will be delivered through a hybrid of asynchronous and interactive sessions using an online learning management system. The program is designed to be convenient and accessible to participants with a focus on dynamic self-paced learning.

Participants will be given opportunities to interact with subject matter experts through live consultations, coaching, and Q&A. The entire program will take 4 weeks.

Hybrid asynchronous and interactive sessions over the duration of 4 weeks